Canadian Airmail Society

The CAS provides a forum for the exchange of information among Canadians who are interested in any aspect of world-wide aerophilately, and for collectors from around the world who are interested in Canadian aerophilately. This is mainly achieved through our newsletter, The Canadian Aerophilatelist, which is published quarterly.

The society also provides a number of other services, including:

a question-and-answer service for mystery air mail stamps and covers; a small library that can be searched for information on particular topics; a "sales department", with a variety of covers for sale; discount prices on many CAS and AAMS publications; representation of Canadian aerophilatelists at national and international levels.

Board of C.A.S.
President Steve Johnson
Vice-President Tony Hine
Secretary Brian Wolfenden
Treasurer Brian Wolfenden
FISA-Delegate Chris Hargreaves
Contact Brian Wolfenden
Website CAS
Official Publication

The Canadian Aerophilatelist

  • 2024

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 138

    • 1921 - a very early airmail letter to Kingston
    • 1928 - the Bremen Trans-Atlantic flight
    • The Golden Jubilee flights of 1928
    • Boulton & Paul Ltd. & the R-101 Airship
    • 1932 - speeding up trans-atlantic mail
    • The mystique of Amelia Earhart
    • 1968 - Air Mail from Holman (Ulukhaktok)N.W.T.
    March 2024 # 138

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 139

    • BNAPEX 2024 Kingston
    • The First UK Aerial Post 1911
    • Airmail between Canada and Singapore, 1937
    • Canadian Airmail Routes - 1950
    • Canadian Forces Radar Stations
    June 2024 # 139

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 140

    September 2024 # 140

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 141

    December 2024 # 141
  • 2023

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 134

    • British Columbia Airways Re-evaluated
    • The curious case of the first airmail stage flight to Casummit Lake, Ontario on December 12th 1934
    • Update on World War II Crash Covers – 1944-1945
    • January 25th 1945 the crash at Biggin Hill and afterwards
    • Propaganda Leaflets from Desert Storm
    March 2023 # 134

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 135

    • 1930 - R100 - Help wanted
    • Handling of International Airmail
    • How are the numbers of covers flown established ? - When it comes to the oint - how a catalogue error occured !
    • 1945 Biggin Hill Crash Covers - a Mystery solved
    June 2023 # 135

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 136

    • In memoriam - Bob Bradford
    • A detailed study of CLP6 and the attempted 1927 London flight
    • Christmas 1933: the Pander S4 Postjager first flight
    • 2022 : New First Flight covers still produced in Germany
    September 2023 # 136

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 137

    • Season's Greetings from John Lewington : Canada ... Semi Official Air Mail
    • Shediac, N.B. - Two New AMF Postmarks
    • A Cover with the D.w. Handstamp from 1953
    • Helijet Airways
    December 2023 # 137
  • 2022

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 130

    • New Information on Klondike Airways
    • Mail flown to Moose Factory in January 1922
    • 1928 - Moose Jaw flight to Winnipeg
    • 1930 - St. Hubert Airport, Montreal
    • North Atlantic Crossroads : the Royal Air Force Gander Unit 1940-1946
    • An Aerophilatelic Disaster
    March 2022 # 130

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 131

    • Switzerland to Canada - 1908
    • Victoria, British Columbia - Airmail in 1919
    • Halifax, Nova Scotia - St John's, Newfoundland : January 20th 1922
    • History of Laurentide Air Service
    • Western Canada Airways Flights to Favorable Lake and Cat Lake
    • Red Bay Air Mail Flights 1932
    • Self Seal Canadian Air Mail Cover 1939 (patented 1937)
    • World War II Crash Covers - 1944-1945
    June 2022 # 131

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 132

    • Follow-up : Airmail from Victoria, British Columbia - 1919
    • The Canadian Aero Film Company - Pioneer Flight PF-21A
    • Wolgang von Gronau - 1932 Around the World Flight
    • Cairo, Egypt to Estivan, Saskatchewan, Canada
    • The Warbirds of Air Force Plant #4 - Ft. Worth, Texas
    • The Rattlesnake Island Local Post
    • What is/was the Shortest Air Mail Route in the World ?
    • Superlative Post Offices : Highest P.O. to I.S.S.
    September 2022 # 132

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 133

    • The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland - 2nd Edition - 2022
    • The Centennial Flight of a Century-old Envelope
    • Another Cover from Africa to Estevan, Saskatchewan
    • A Puzzling Item from Canada's 1 ¢ First Flight Air Mail
    • A Northern Alberta Relief Flight 1935
    • Newly Discovered Covers to or from Canada Involved in Aircraft Crashes Outside of Canada
    December 2022 # 133
  • 2021

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 126

    • Complications in studying pilot signed covers
    • FAM-2 Air Mail: Victoria to Seattle
    • First Flight cover to King George V
    • Patricia Airways Limited
    • Covid related firt flight covers
    • An Ekranoplan emerges from the sea and crawls up the beach
    March 2021 # 126

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 127

    • The Curious Tale of Two Roy Browns
    • The Kitten that flew the Atlantic
    • FAM No. 2: Seattle Victoria, Recent Findings
    • Crash Covers to/from Canada from Flights Not Going to/from Canada
    • More Information from Nino Chiovelli about Mail Handling
    • Stranraer Deltiology, Philately and Archeology
    • First Flight from Argentina to Antarctica 1952
    June 2021 # 127

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 128

    • November Zoom Day of Aerophilately : November 7th
    • Laurentide Air Service Semi-Official Cover Sent to India
    • Jack V. Elliot and Elliot-Fairchild Air Service Limited
    • 1926 : Patricia Airways & Exploration Limited
    • Sir Hubert Wilkins and Carl Ben Eielson Polar Aviation Partnership
    • Winter Air Mail Services in Newfoundland 1947-1949 : part 4
    • De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited "Flies again"
    • First Jet Flight and Air Mail across the Atlantic
    September 2021 # 128

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 129

    • In Memoriam : Jeff Dugdale
    • In Memoriam : Denny May
    • Amelia Earhart in Toronto
    • Elliot-Fairchild Air Transport Limited and Fairchild Air Transport Limited
    • Switzerland to Canada - Graf Zeppelin - 1929
    • Roessler's Bogus Stamps and Covers
    • 1944 Christmas Air Letters
    • The Canadian Slowbirds
    December 2021 # 129
  • 2020

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 122

    • Winter Air Mail Services in Newfoundland 1947 - 1949 : part 2
    • How I became an Aerophilatelist - David Whitbread
    • Flights to Ontario and Eastern Manitoba
    • How I became an Aerophilatelist - John C Symons
    • Carried as outside air mail Handstamp
    • “Imperial Airways" flight to Newfoundland, 1937
    • Astrophilately: The Intersection of Space and Postal History / David S. Ball
    March 2020 # 122

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 123

    • Pigreon post in Canada
    • Fairchild Air Transport Limited’s Aeromarine AMC G-CAFD
    • Canadian Dispatches on U.S. Navy Zeppelin Mail
    • Western Manitoba and the Western Provinces
    • Winter Air Mail Services in Newfoundland 1947 – 1949: Part 3 / February - April 1949: Problems and Politics
    • 1960 - 2020 sixty years since TCA first offered jet travel
    • Gene May and the Douglas D558-2 Skyrocket
    • Alicia Hempleman-Adams reaches record altitude of 4604 metres in a hot air balloon
    June 2020 # 123

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 124

    • First Outer Space Rocket Mail in Canada
    • 1936: Rocket Mail over Niagara Falls !
    • First Trans-Canada Flight Halifax to Vancouver
    • Commemorating 50th Ann. of the Trans-Canada flight
    • 1927 Mail from Lac du Bonnet - October
    • “D.w.” Handstamp reviewed
    September 2020 # 124

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 125

    • Commemorating the Trans-Canada flight of 7-17 October 1920
    • The Baghdad Air Mail: 1921 - 1927
    • Late use of the WCA Semi-Official stamp
    • Western Canada Airways - the Mackenzie river first flights
    • The edmonton Air Show - 17th September 1930
    • El Al Constellation flight 402, shot down over Bulgaria 1955
    • Pioneer Aviation in the Channel Islands
    December 2020 # 125
  • 2019

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 119

    • 1919 - The First Trans-Atlantic Flights and Airmail
    • Also in 1919 : The Airship R34 crossed the Atlantic - Twice.
    • Commercial Airways Limited
    • New First Flight Cover Discovery
    • More Information on Pan American's Northern Trans-Atlantic Covers 1942
    March 2019 # 118

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 119

    • Alcock and Brown commemorative cards
    • Celebrations in Newfoundland
    • Stamps and Artwork
    • New stamps honouring Canadians in flight
    • Winter Air Mail services in Newfoundland 1947-1949 : part 1
    • Yukon Airways and Exploration Co. Ltd.
    • July 1st 1946 : London-Chicago FFC
    June 2019 # 119

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 120

    • Charles Walsh - Pilot - 1877-1912 ?
    • 1907 - The "Mammoth" balloon flight
    • "From Pine to Palm"
    • 65 years ago - When air travel was quite pleasant !
    • Question : What were the Baby Squid Pilots ?
    September 2019 # 120

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 121

    • My Wonderful Philatelic Flight : Major (Rtd.) Richard K. Malott, CD, M.Sc., B.A.
    • The South African Red Cross "Our Day" 1918 Aerial Post
    • World War II Airgraphs
    • First Flight across the Canadian Rocky Mountains : Vancouver - Calgary, August 7th 1919
    • Crossing the Atlantic by Balloon in an Open Wicker Basket
    December 2019 # 121
  • 2018

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 114

    • British Columbia Airways - the first flights
    • 1907 Nova Scotia Provincial exhibition covers
    • Grettir Algarsson an Unsung Canadian Hero of Icelandic Heritage
    • The Curtis Lark Flight to Red Lake, 1926
    • 1939 - First flight postcard from Eire to Saskatchewan
    • Intriguing covers from Estevan
    March 2018 # 114

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 115

    June 2018 # 115

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 116

    September 2018 # 116

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 117

    • Commemorating the First Non-Stop Trans-Atlantic Flight
    • Christmas Greetings from Dick Malott
    • 1914 - Sikorsky Ilya Muromets / Barry Lewis
    • 1926 - OPAS delivered mail to Red Lake / Robert Galway
    • Cherry Red Airline Limited / Tom Reyman
    • Klondike Airways / Peter Edwards
    • Air Meals - 1928 : a moment in time.
    • New information on Pan American's Northern Trans-Atlantic Route, 1942 / Chris Hargreaves
    • 1978 - Non-Stop flight across Canada by Red Morris / Mike Davenport
    December 2018 # 117
  • 2017

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 110

    • 1912 McGoey Postcard offered at auction
    • How I became an aerophilatelist
    • 1920 - A FAM 2 Cover after the first flight
    • 1935 - Canadian Air Mail to Africa
    • 1928 - A Post Office robbery in Long Lake
    • Follow up : 1924 - Air Mail to Estevan
    • Prairie Air Mail - Fixed price contract
    • Follow up : 1929 MacAlpine rescue - Postal documentation
    • Wanted ! 1929 - Who was Guileau ?
    • Wanted ! 1932 Olympic Air Cruise Cover
    • For Sale ! Cover from the first Canadian Air Mail flight
    March 2017 # 110

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 111

    • Maildrops on the North Shore / Pierre Vachon.
    • First aircraft at Martinique, October 22nd, 1922 / James R. Taylor.
    • How a catalogue error occured / Jacques Bot.
    • April 1928 - an early Remouski cover / Doug Lingard.
    • 1930 - R-100 Airship visits Montreal
    • 1947 - First commercial flight from England to Canada by B.O.A.C.
    • 1985 - Model airplanes carried mail in Canada / Ron Miyanishi
    June 2017 # 111

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 112

    • Unrecorded Air Mail from 1920 / Robert Galway
    • Report on Flying Boat operations in Northern Ontario / Wm.R. Maxwell
    • New research on Canada’s 5 cents Air Mail rate - 1928 / Chris Hargreaves
    • July 15th 1929 : Two unusual Toronto - Buffalo First Flight Covers / Chris Hargreaves
    • 1939 - Whitehorse to Seattle / Don Lussky
    • Airgraph extended to wartime St. Pierre & Miquelon 1943 / James R. Taylor
    September 2017 # 112

    The Canadian Aerophilatelist # 113

    December 2017 # 113