The F.I.S.A. represents 26 major aerophilatelic (18) and astrophilatelic (8) societies in 15 countries worldwide, representing more than 2.500 collectors, and has contact on regular base with these clubs. Most clubs provide a magazine and the cover and content of each bulletin is available simply by clicking the cover of the magazine.

What can F.I.S.A. do for your society ?

The aim for F.I.S.A. is to support and protact aero- and astrophilately worldwide.

We can offer you
- a page to promote your society on our website
- a page to promote your publication : wex show the cover and the index of the magazine
- news from our member societies
- a bi-annual congress with all delegates from our member societies and the board of F.I.S.A.
- patronage for the exhibition you organize
- awards for literature and/or special achievements for aero- and astrophilately
- promoting good internal cooperation between our member societies

The more clubs we may represent in aero- and astrophilately, the more we can help our members to take part in bigger exhibitions, the more persuasion we have towards F.I.P. in accepting aero- and astrophilately on big events.

How to become a member of F.I.S.A. ?

Any philatelic club interested in aerophilately or astrophilately can become a member of F.I.S.A. and receive all the support F.I.S.A. can bring to you in philately, exhibits, jury questions, technical assistance and/or knowledge.

If your club wants to become a member of F.I.S.A. , please contact our Secretary-General Stefan Bruylants. After your membership form is sent, your appliance will be discussed on the next Congress and General Meeting. When accepted, the treasurer of F.I.S.A. will contact your club to inform you about the arrangements to become a member of F.I.S.A.