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Centre Versailles - Porte de Versailles à Paris
Distance: 14,5 km
Transport: train every 30 minutes

The 51st F.I.S.A. Congress and General Meeting

The 51st FISA Congress & General Meeting took place on May 29th 2024 in Versailles, France on the occasion of the National Exhibition Philex-France 2024 in Paris, France.

The Report of the Congress will be available soon (July 2024).

The 51st General Meeting & Congress announced some important points now:

  • Official election of the new FISA President, Johannes Palmer
  • F.I.S.A. will continue to exist and will focus even more on our members who actively participate in F.I.S.A.
  • Putting aerophilately and astrophilately to the same level
  • Results of the questionnaires
  • Rolling out the idea of International Digital Membership
  • Initiate consultations between FISA and FIP on aero- and astrophilately

New members joined F.I.S.A.

Arge Zeppelinpost e.V.
Air Mail Societyof India Foundation
Sociedad Argentina de Aerofilatelia