Exhibitions for Aero- and Astrophilately worldwide

F.I.S.A. can't organise philatelic exhibitions on its own, but can provide patronage, support and excellent jurors on aerophilately and astrophilately.

Future philatelic exhibitions

These exhibitions have the class Aerophilately and Astrophilately accepted in their General Regulations.


15-23 February 2025

1st International Virtual Aero- & Astrophilatelic Exibition

Important update

AMSIPEX is happy to inform you that we have extended the last date for submission of entries to December 25th for AMSIPEX-25, the 1st International Virtual Aerophilatelic & Astrophilatelic Exhibition to be held on February 15-23 2025. The revised brochure is attached.

We accept entires on any topic related to Air Mails. Those that do not fall under the strict Aerophilatey definition will be judged under their respective rules (e.g. Postal History, Thematic etc.) but will be considered valid and awarded medals as per rules.

IBRA 2023

25-28 May 2023
Messe Essen. Essen. Germany

F.I.P. Patronage General World

Aerophilately 2022

An APS World Series of Philately Show
October 21-23, 2022
APS National Headquarters
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania


30 June - 3 July 2022
International Rang-1 Philatelic Exhibition
Russischen Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur Friedrichstrasse 176-179 10117 Berlin Germany

Ostropa 2022


10-12 June 2022
National Philatelic Exhibition
Antwerp Expo Jan van Rijswijklaan 191 Antwerp

National Exhibition with International participation.
50th F.I.S.A. Congress on June 11th, 2022.

Antverpia 2022